Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yokai tattoo designs of a sick minded neku, a gay cameleon, a killer pimp head and more...

Yōkai (妖怪, literally demon, spirit, or monster?) are a class of preternatural creatures in Japanese folklore (wikipedia)  
Ok, but what the hell is ‘preternatural’?
The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beyond (Latin præter) the natural. In contrast to the supernatural, preternatural phenomena are presumed to have rational explanations as yet unknown. (wikipedia)
I see…..
     I have been surfing the net searching for Yokai references for a tattoo design which I am considering of getting, in time maybe. I am basically looking for the underrated characters in Japanese folklore like more of the bakeneku (cat) and the kasa obake (umbrella ghost) and less of the oni and the hannya. Thankfully I found a lot of authentic references from that dated way back. They have Ukiyo e prints from the masters with awesome compositions of imaginative taxidermy. I was so happy that I bookmarked the whole page and started brainstorming my own yokai drawings.
      My fascination with the Yokai started when I was Growing up in the Philippines. My favourite snack the was a gelatine treat JellyAce (tm). It has a lid with colourful cartoon Illustrations of Japanese folklore, the most memorable character was the fisherman sitting on a giant turtle. Unfortunately I was not that committed to safeguard my lid collection, the company discontinued the designer lid and had a total package overhaul. Now years of being JellyAce-starved I can only Imagine what those drawings looked like, if only I had been a patient kid. So anyone in the Philippines who still has the lid PM me and we will talk about the price.
Anyways, here are some of the Yokai designs I did….. 

A ghost of a severed brothel governess that came back with a vengeance
against her scheming whores

Or a cannibalistic teenage neku girl that ate her step mother. This one has a
bizzare relationshp with her human father that is almost borderline incest.

Or a halfling Tengu Samurai that fell inlove with a princess...Wow! I think
I can come up wih a good story here.... yeah it's lame

The story of this one is like 'idle hands'. A japanese merchant with a compulsive jerk off
disorder who fell inlove with his pleasure giving hands so he cut it off. As sick minded as he is
his hands killed him and every other perverts out there.

This one is the worst Succubus ever, this is no ordinary monster, She is a She-john, a
a deceptive shemale SUCKubus! Every mans worst nightmare.... a big torn out page in every
guys book of pride.

Btw... the birds in this picture wasn't drawn by me.

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